in a tribute to kartini's birthday today, the guys at the forum suggested that all the female designers created something... the original deadline was pretty tight, we only got about a couple days. here's what i ended up doing... i think i'm gonna do another one, since the deadline is moved to the end of april and i'm not completely satisfied with this one...
besides being kartini's bday, today is also the day when the yearly chaos and craziness of boston happens, also known as the boston marathon day.
i had to walk all the way to work in the morning because the station where i usually take the train was closed due to the marathon, which made me really cranky, cuz i just hate being forced to exercise when i'm only half awake. x(
at the office, of course, almost everybody was out, including all of my managers. by noon, the office was practically empty, as the rest of the others who showed in the morning decided that it's not worth it to stay inside on such a beautiful day.
i wasn't sure what i should do, so i just took the offer of some friends to take a long, 2-hour lunch at porter square. when i came back from lunch, i felt like it was saturday or something, cuz no one was there anymore. but since i didn't know if the other manager is coming back or not, i decided to be a good employee (ha ha) and waited until 5pm before taking off.
it was absolutely crazy outside. most of the streets around copley (including the street where my office is) were closed and a ridiculous number of people were walking around; drunk tourists, sweaty runners who just got to the finished line, families with children and babies, policemen on bikes and horses... i could barely walk in peace. ugh.