indo night pictures, etc.
you can see what the hustle and bustle was all about here...
as i said, the becak was the superstar of that day... just look at the pictures! ;p
on another note, i almost had a panic attack this morning. for some unknown reason, i set my alarm last night at 9:40 instead of 8:40 (!) which is really bad, because: 1) i was late yesterday as well (two days in a row!); 2) it's the first day my boss came back to work from her vacation; 3) i had a meeting at 10:30. i was scrambling to get ready like a madwoman. washed face, brushed teeth, changed into the first jeans + sweater i found in the closet. fifteen minutes later, i was running all 7 blocks to the train station. made it to the meeting all flustered and in desperate need of caffeine. couldn't make much contribution to the discussion as i was too busy trying to wake up.
didn't see my boss for the whole day, so i don't know what she's thinking about my lateness. i left a message on her voicemail explaining my situation when i was on my way to work. but she was nowhere to be seen at the office. maybe she's busy catching up with work. in any case, i will never attempt to change my alarm ever again.
hey, stop for stopping by!! by the way.. i did just the opposite the other day.. i woke up thinking i was so freakin' late, hurried up to get dressed and just when i was about to leave i realized that i was actually an hour early.. goddamn!! tau gitu kan bisa tidur setengah jam lagii.. no wonder i was so tired while taking the shower.. hehehe...
Posted by: sLesTa | April 24, 2003 10:33 PM
btw.. nice pics.. i know many of the faces.. which one are u? ada dini, ada norman, ada ali, ada helmi.. :)
Posted by: sLesTa | April 24, 2003 10:39 PM
wahhh koq bisa pada kenal??? :)
gue gak ada di foto, berhubung statusnya penonton doang merangkap moral support... hehehe...
kadang2 site-nya suka gak bisa kebuka krn udah ngelewatin bandwidth limit... yg punya foto sampe nge-post ke 3 diff places... kayaknya banyak banget hari ini yg mau liat foto...
Posted by: d | April 24, 2003 10:55 PM
*jadi berasa nge-flood komen box loe nih*
iya kalo norman karna gue kenal ama kakak2nya dan emang suka ke nyc. kalo ama helmi kenal dari jakarta, gue 1 sma ama alia (tau gak? yang punya kakak si mimin dan adek namanya dian.. alia & mimin udah di jkt, tapi dia kalo gak salah masih di bosten).. kalo ali.. sering ketemu, tapi gue juga inget tampang doang.. hihi.. kenal banget sih enggak.. gue rasa juga dia gak inget ama gue.. kalo ama dini.. gak kenal2 amat, tapi dini pernah ke nyc dan temen2 nya disini juga banyak.. btw, love ur work..
Posted by: sLesTa | April 25, 2003 12:54 PM
slesta... hihihi... gak papa koq, gue seneng komen box gue banyak isinya. ;)
oooh gituuu... gue ga gitu kenal sama norman, kenalnya sama dini n dian...
Posted by: d | April 25, 2003 01:16 PM
menarik acaranya. kita juga mungkin mau bikin acara di boston, bareng ama mas totok, mas tino akhir may kalo jadi.
Posted by: roby | April 25, 2003 07:06 PM
roby, kemaren nonton juga?
mau bikin acara apa nih di boston? eh, besok dateng gak ke acara dialog antar agama disini? kayaknya banyak yg bakal dateng tuh...
Posted by: d | April 25, 2003 08:25 PM
weits ... baru liat foto nya ... bagus bagus .. rame ... enak juga ya .. :)
Posted by: emon | April 27, 2003 12:34 PM