sometimes i'm amazed at the sheer varieties of excuses i could make up to procrastinate... like tonight, for example, i was supposed to start writing my application essay. but then, after dinner i came up with the idea that it would be fun and harmless to try redesigning my blog... something i never even had any hint of motivation to do since almost a year ago! i guess anything but writing the dreadful essay... so here's the new look. made of 150% guilt and denial... :P
needless to say, i still haven't done even one word of the essay... :(
i should probably force myself to go to the library tomorrow so i can at least start making the outlines.
there's this article i really like that explains about procrastinating habits...
Nice layout, D! Gitu dong, pake image dikit. BTW, itu tangan elo yang di top image? :)
Posted by: H | April 23, 2003 06:11 AM
makasih2... hihihi... bukan, itu gak tau tangan sapa, gue nemu aja...
tapi belum kelar niiy, emang ribet ya maen2 sama MT? liat aja tuh yg sebelah kanan belum line up sama yg atas... hahaha...
Posted by: d | April 23, 2003 10:50 AM
des, biar nggak procrastinate, ke rhode island yuk?
Posted by: w | April 23, 2003 04:19 PM
des des, i think the way to get a task done is by setting up another task that is even more annoying and can only be put off by doing your original task.
contoh: bikin peer/bikin essay/belajar bersama orang yang bener2 nggak asikkkk, bikinnya berdua doang, di tempat yang cuman ada elu berdua doang, dan jangan bawa apa2 lagi selain kerjaan elu. nah, berhubung orang itu super super nggak asik, daripada ngomong ama dia kan mendingan ngerjain tugas. walhasil, demi menghindari ngomong sama itu orang elu jadi get work done.
anyway, from the number of emails that i have sent you in the past hour, and from the fact that i'm checking your blog siang2 gini, obviously i am not getting any work done.
Posted by: w | April 23, 2003 04:38 PM
hahaha... pengalaman pribadi ya, wen?
tapi dimana ya gue cari orang yg bener2 ga asik, yg rela gue ajak ke rhode island cuma buat nemenin gue bikin essay? soalnya orang yg gak asik udah pasti gak mau gue ajak2 gitu... ;P
Posted by: d | April 23, 2003 04:51 PM
gimana kalo ngajaknya nggak usah bilang2?
Posted by: w | April 23, 2003 05:27 PM
hey, i have a good idea! gue ngerjainnya sambil do laundry kali ye... kan daripada bengong ngeliatin mesin cuci di laundromat mendingan gue nulis essay...
hihihi... koq jadi dibahas yah... :P
Posted by: d | April 24, 2003 06:55 PM