daylight saving time!!!
it's so hard for me to drag myself out of bed this morning. i had to wake up an hour earlier than usual, and hadn't even got a chance to catch up on my sleep from the slumber party on saturday. i only had about 3 hours of sleep on saturday night cuz everbody (well, almost everybody) was up talking until 7 in the morning and had to wake up again around 10.
i'm falling asleep in my cube as of this minute...
fortunately, the first phase of my project is done, and i think i'll have at least a couple days to chill before it gets crazy again. hmmm... what to do... what to do... i just got myself a big cup of caramel macchiato from starbucks. that should keep me awake enough to perform basic functions for a few hours until it's time to go home. but in the meantime, what can i do to be not as bored? i've talked to my cousin on the phone for almost 45 minutes... i went outside to get lunch and coffee... now i'm back here and don't know what to do... wishing i could just go home and sleep without having to waste time here doing nothing.
ok, this is bad... i just spent a fortune shopping online at the gramedia cyberstore for indonesian books. the ironic thing about it is that the books themselves are pretty inexpensive, but the shipping cost is downright outrageous!!!
well... it's not like i have any other option if i want to read indonesian books *excuses... excuses...*
anyway, i'm gonna blame it on my boredom... :P
still have about an hour to go before i can get off work. i tried looking for books at the public library's online catalog, but everything i looked at is either a non-circulating item, which means i can only read it at the library, or just plain non-existent. sniff...
it must be my bad karma for incessantly complaining about not having anything to do. now i just got one of those "asap" projects that is supposed to get done by tomorrow. and it's only half an hour away from freedom... now gone is any chances for me to go home at 5:30.