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a few links...

i actually wanted to write more, but as i'm quite brain dead by now, i can only manage to post these 3 links... maybe i'll comment on them tomorrow or something... enjoy!

say hi to wendy... hi wendy!
i'm trying to persuade the people at godote's forum to do a similar photo shoot project... i think it's such an awesome idea! i guess we'll see if there's anyone interested in doing that...

horrible, horrible stuff happening at yale... i'm still kinda shock that this is happenning at yale, of all places... where people are supposedly well-educated enough to know better... where do you draw the line for freedom of speech? does it protect hateful instigations as well? petrosian from tii sums it well, i think, by saying that "the keys are: freedom of expression and tolerance." without tolerance, freedom of expression cannot work.

a somewhat old article about indonesia at cnn.com to brush up your memory before the election...

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