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wendy had an idea that we should do a blog project together... she was inspired by a quote i put in my previous entry about the insufficiency of language, and thought that it would be interesting to experiment with this. we're gonna create mock conversations between two or more characters from completely different backgrounds and cultures to see if they can really convey their thoughts and be perceived correctly by others. this should be a lot of fun! :)

anyway, last night i had a few drinks with my co-workers at davio's... it was jacqui's birthday, and i missed the bday lunch cuz i had to run some errands... so i made it up to her by buying her drinks after work.

it was a lot of fun! i found out that a lot of people at work are actually my neighbors! they all live only a few blocks away from me. another thing is that i never knew that it's such a nice place! i can't believe i've never been there before, and it's right downstairs on the first floor of my office building.

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