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random things from the past

hmmm... whatever happened to bullseyeart? when did it become "rawpower?" i miss hooptie-goo and his silly humming!!! miss muffy is still there, though... not sure if i like the new style... their stuff is becoming increasingly grosser recently :(

i bumped into this list of old marchFIRST links... heheheh... it sure brought back a lot of memories. and yes, sometimes i do miss those good old days. the motto, like everybody else's during that time, of course, was work hard and play hard. 'play' means beer 'n movie every friday starting at 4pm, arcade games and pool in the cafeteria, countless house parties and hi-tech happy hours, just to name a few... oh the glory of the dot-com era! :P

my favorite of the list is this print ad campaign that was released shortly after the merger of usweb/cks and whittman-hart on march 1, 2000, to become m1.

i remember part of this campaign i really liked was a tv commercial titled "miniskirt." it was hilarious. the message behind the whole campaign was m1 represented the "big" idea, a break-through invention, the true genius whom people might not always know how to react to because of its originality. the one who is always being first.

ah, how sad that it should end just like that...

:: new link for tonight: designboom


marchfirst ... waaa ... the old days ... dot com bubbles ... easy money ... stock booming ... where have the good old days gone ?

hehehe... down the drain...

now that i think about it, i miss the dot-com era. i wonder when there will be another... *ponders*.

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