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spring theme

yeah, still no essay just yet... x(
at least i was productive! *defense mode on*

to compensate for the fact that we're skipping spring here in boston, and go right from winter to summer, i hereby dedicate this spring theme... yet another layout version since last night. but this one should be final. i hope it looks ok on a pc... everything always looks a bit darker and less saturated on a pc... umm, i also took out the search box, cuz it refused to work when i tried it... maybe i'll work on it later, like next week or something...

anyway, must go to the library tomorrow. had a haircut appointment after work today, and i thought it wouldn't be very comfortable doing my essay at the library with little hairs stuck on my clothes and neck... :P


wow ... nice layout .. like it a lot .. :)

Yups! Even better than the previous one. So.. ummm... so spring! :D
BTW, fonts 'randomscribbles'nya apaan tuh D? Mirip Times New Roman tapi lebih nice.

thanks! :)

har, font-nya namanya "didot."

baguus :) warnanya menenangkan hatii :)

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