winter blues
not sure why, but i've been so restless these past couple of days... i started smoking a lot again, like half-a-pack+ a day. my normal intake was at the most 3 cigarettes a day. and the worse thing is, i smoke in bed while watching movies for hours. now my poor bed stinks of cigarette. yuck.
i was just counting the cold months we still had to go through last night at dinner with siska... it's not gonna be anywhere near an acceptable level of warmth until june. so four more miserable months in this bitter cold. before i moved here, i could never really appreciate warm weather and sunshine. now i finally understand why tropical places with a lot of sun all year round like indonesia is such a popular destination for tourists, esp. those who came from wintry climates like this.
moral of the story is: don't take your normal everyday things for granted. often you don't realize how lucky you are to have them until they're gone. cliche but true.
but, man, i still can't get over this damn weather! how my poor nose and ears have to suffer every morning... i hate it! hate it hate it hate it!
anyway, talked on the phone with my mom for 2 hours just now, which made me feel a lot better. but i think i drank too much coffee today, cuz it's 1:30am and i'm still so wide awake. i don't even have any more books to read. nothing to do. thus, this pointless ramblings just to pass time... :P