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distorted reality

a snippet of a random wednesday morning chat...


****** says: (11:19:36 AM)
   kayaknya lu & gw ... going on deh

****** says: (11:19:43 AM)

d says: (11:19:55 AM)
   majuuuu tak gentaaarrr....

d says: (11:20:12 AM)
   *mari kita menyanyikan lagu2 perjuangan*

****** says: (11:20:12 AM)
   maksudnya depresinya bo !

d says: (11:20:15 AM)

****** says: (11:20:25 AM)
   going on & on & on ....

d says: (11:20:33 AM)

d says: (11:20:42 AM)
   maksud elo depresinya gak sembuh2 gitu ya kalo kita?

****** says: (11:20:54 AM)

****** says: (11:20:57 AM)
   jadi .. udah biasa

d says: (11:20:59 AM)

d says: (11:21:28 AM)
   tapi gue gak ngerasa depresi koq

d says: (11:21:35 AM)
   cuma morbid aja kali

d says: (11:21:41 AM)
   hehehehe apa sama aja ya

****** says: (11:22:14 AM)
   *-) yoi, kan dah biasa

d says: (11:22:18 AM)

d says: (11:22:25 AM)
   we're old and cynical

****** says: (11:22:43 AM)
   but fun & cool

d says: (11:23:14 AM)
   so pasti donk

d says: (11:23:26 AM)
   a toast for ya!

****** says: (11:23:40 AM)
   I'll toast for that

d says: (11:23:46 AM)
   huehehehe apa seeehh

****** says: (11:23:55 AM)
   that's us

****** says: (11:23:58 AM)
   not clear

d says: (11:24:15 AM)
   gak jelas dan asaallll

d says: (11:24:19 AM)
   hidup asal!

****** says: (11:24:45 AM)
   atau : asal hidup !

****** says: (11:24:46 AM)
   ha ?

d says: (11:24:56 AM)
   ha? sedih amattt

d says: (11:25:04 AM)
   pasti gara2 kebanyakan dengerin radiohead deh

****** says: (11:25:13 AM)

****** says: (11:25:27 AM)

****** says: (11:25:29 AM)
   u know what

d says: (11:25:48 AM)

****** says: (11:25:57 AM)
   i downloaded NASH 's soundtrack

****** says: (11:26:02 AM)
   you know the TV comedy

****** says: (11:26:09 AM)
   i really like the song

****** says: (11:26:20 AM)
   guess what the title is

d says: (11:26:41 AM)
   what is it?

****** says: (11:26:55 AM)
   "suicide is painless"

****** says: (11:27:03 AM)
   i swear i didn't know before

****** says: (11:27:26 AM)
   it just seems all the songs i like fall into that category

d says: (11:27:55 AM)
   hmmmm napa gitu ya?

d says: (11:28:00 AM)
   mari kita analisa...

****** says: (11:28:19 AM)
   cause the tone fits our mood

d says: (11:29:04 AM)
   iya ya

****** says: (11:29:07 AM)
   old, fun, disoriented, somewhat energetik, dont know what to use the energy for, cool, alive when we need to, artistic

****** says: (11:29:11 AM)
   how's that ?

d says: (11:29:15 AM)
   eh apaan tu?

****** says: (11:29:27 AM)
   us.... me at least

d says: (11:29:31 AM)

****** says: (11:29:48 AM)
   oh forgot one thing

d says: (11:30:02 AM)
   easily bored

****** says: (11:30:06 AM)
   s e x y

d says: (11:30:12 AM)

****** says: (11:30:17 AM)

d says: (11:30:33 AM)
   gue bulan ini kayaknya lagi morbid banget deh

d says: (11:30:40 AM)
   tau kenapa, mungkin kena winter blues kali ya

****** says: (11:30:44 AM)
   tel me sumthin new

d says: (11:30:59 AM)
   masa gue tiba2 bisa bikin ginian coba: click

****** says: (11:31:09 AM)
   well that may be a catalyst

****** says: (11:31:32 AM)
   that your butt ?

d says: (11:31:32 AM)
   play dead

d says: (11:31:35 AM)

d says: (11:31:39 AM)
   no it's not my butt

d says: (11:31:41 AM)
   you perv

****** says: (11:31:51 AM)
   just making sure

****** says: (11:31:54 AM)

****** says: (11:33:51 AM)
   i like it

****** says: (11:34:00 AM)
   it's anti-superficial

****** says: (11:34:02 AM)

d says: (11:34:05 AM)

****** says: (11:34:09 AM)
   i said it first

d says: (11:34:10 AM)

d says: (11:34:20 AM)
   your trademark huh?

****** says: (11:34:27 AM)

d says: (11:34:55 AM)
   udah gt bbrp hari kemudian gue bikin lagi dong yg lbh morbid

d says: (11:34:57 AM)

d says: (11:35:02 AM)
   what's wrong with me???

****** says: (11:35:32 AM)
   this one's a lot bolder

****** says: (11:35:46 AM)
   a lot of anger actually

****** says: (11:35:50 AM)
   wazzap ?

d says: (11:35:50 AM)

d says: (11:35:59 AM)
   padahal lagi gak bete koq pas bikin itu

d says: (11:36:11 AM)
   jelas2 lagi ngopi2 di providence ma anak2

****** says: (11:37:28 AM)
   it matters most when your alone rather than being with anyone

****** says: (11:37:36 AM)
   mmm.. that might be interpreted wrong

****** says: (11:37:53 AM)
   but essensially what you feel is when you're alone

****** says: (11:37:59 AM)
   dah ah

****** says: (11:38:02 AM)
   sok tua ya ?

****** says: (11:38:09 AM)
   hahaha .. padahal kan masih muda

d says: (11:38:40 AM)
   huehehehehe iya

d says: (11:39:03 AM)
   i guess when you're with people, the feeling is still there

d says: (11:39:08 AM)
   but it just got distracted momentarily

d says: (11:39:20 AM)
   doesn't mean it's not there anymore

****** says: (11:39:34 AM)
   you got it

d says: (11:39:43 AM)
   tapi feeling apaan sih sebenernya

****** says: (11:39:58 AM)

d says: (11:40:06 AM)
   hmmm really?

****** says: (11:40:10 AM)

d says: (11:40:12 AM)
   about what?

****** says: (11:40:20 AM)
   ask yourself

****** says: (11:40:32 AM)
   a lot of things are driven by that feeling

d says: (11:40:34 AM)
   *berpikir keras*

****** says: (11:41:02 AM)
   take it easy

d says: (11:41:09 AM)

d says: (11:41:19 AM)
   i guess mostly i'm just feeling restless

d says: (11:41:25 AM)
   always looking for something

d says: (11:41:39 AM)
   gak pernah dapet

****** says: (11:41:51 AM)
   isnt restlessness driven by insecurity ?

d says: (11:42:02 AM)
   masa sih

****** says: (11:42:03 AM)
   and your looking for that something to feel more secure

****** says: (11:42:06 AM)
   nes't pas ?

d says: (11:42:10 AM)
   hmmm iya maybe ya

****** says: (11:42:24 AM)
   why do you go to school ?

****** says: (11:42:37 AM)
   coz you're afraid that you wont get a job

d says: (11:42:46 AM)

****** says: (11:42:52 AM)

d says: (11:43:12 AM)
   just for... ummm

d says: (11:43:21 AM)
   self satisfaction, maybe?

****** says: (11:43:28 AM)
   ok then

d says: (11:43:31 AM)
   not necessarily for a job

d says: (11:43:46 AM)
   i'm not an ambitious person

d says: (11:43:55 AM)
   as long as i can keep doing what i love to do, i'm happy

****** says: (11:44:04 AM)
   hehehe ...

****** says: (11:44:07 AM)
   there you go

****** says: (11:44:15 AM)
   you just turned yourself around

d says: (11:44:21 AM)

d says: (11:44:24 AM)

****** says: (11:45:28 AM)
   well, you put love and happy in a positive sentence

****** says: (11:45:34 AM)
   which is anti-morbid

d says: (11:45:40 AM)

d says: (11:45:47 AM)
   gue kan multiple personality  

****** says: (11:46:04 AM)
   oh iya ... lupa

****** says: (11:46:08 AM)

****** says: (11:48:52 AM)
   "exposure" bhs indo apa ya ?

d says: (11:50:26 AM)
   hmm apa ya

d says: (11:51:45 AM)
   gak tau ah susahhh

****** says: (11:51:57 AM)
   hehehe .. sorry

d says: (11:54:30 AM)
   emang buat apaan sih

****** says: (11:54:49 AM)
   hehe.. you'll know soon

****** says: (11:54:59 AM)
   dont worry

****** says: (11:55:07 AM)
   be happy

d says: (11:55:36 AM)

d says: (11:55:41 AM)
   be happy indeed

****** says: (11:56:14 AM)
   kurt cobain: "I'm so happy ....

****** says: (11:56:29 AM)
   ... I found my friends ...

****** says: (11:56:35 AM)
   ... in my head"

****** says: (11:56:41 AM)

d says: (11:56:55 AM)



amazing conversation =)
something that I've missed for quite some time tho =(

nah, sekarang gue deh yang morbid... hehehe

uhm.. i wonder... ma yg "itu" bukan?

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