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gre sucks

*sniff* yet another failed attempt to study for gre... and it's only 8 days away!! (i was already studying for about an hour when i suddenly remembered that there's this email i had to reply about a prospective project to work on... so what can you do, right?)

but i curse the person who first came up with the pointless idea of standardized testing!!! what was he thinking?? it's nothing but a big money-making scheme which sole purpose is to rip off millions of nice, innocent grad-student wannabes worldwide such as myself (oh poor me) with expensive books, testing fees, and test prep centers like kaplan. and what do we get in return? frustrations, stress, and a steadily declining self-worth. *grumble grumble*

sad fact is, i still have to take it. huh... guess it's back to the books now...
*...must... not... be tempted... by the computer...*


ehh..belajar atuh..ko malah ngecek 'comment box'?? :p wish u all the luck !!

yeah.. it's a useless standardized testing that you won't even use anywhere in life anyways.. at least not in college life.. ;)

errgh..gue juga sebel banget sama yang namanya standardized test..and i've never been good at it..*maybe that's why i hate it so much..no??*..hehe..anyway good luck yah des..mudah2an hasilnya bagus dan lewat dari requirementnya so you can kiss that book goodbye..=)

makasih teman2 buat supportnya... ihiks...
muach..! :)

Did the GRE's last year.

In a way it was Binet who originated the idea of standardized testing, but he warned that it should not be used as a measure of actual intelligence, rather as a comparitive assessment standard. You have Lewis Terman to thank for popularizing the idea....the prick.

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