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inner child

hmmm... should i be concerned about this test result?

My inner child is ten years old today

"The adult world is pretty irrelevant to me. Whether I'm
off on my bicycle (or pony) exploring, lost in a good book,
or giggling with my best friend, I live in a world apart,
one full of adventure and wonder and other stuff
adults don't understand."

how old is your inner child?


i hope you don't need to be concerned. cause i got the same exact result. what's wrong with dinosaurs anyway?

I got a six year old. at least not goo goo ga ga! hee hee

heheh... yeah, wouldn't it be nice to actually have a unicorn as a pet?

i got 16.. man i'm old!! *young at heart though.. hihi*

10. *where's my ponny??? mommyyy....*

sama kaya shinta...16..what does that mean?..emang tua aja kali ya...huhu...

i'm 16. is it bad or good?

hihihi... i don't think one is better than the other... sama aja kali ye, namanya jg cuma tes iseng buat lucu2an...

i cant believe i am only one year old. must be the ice cream and playing with toes.

pink, heheheh... i put in ice cream, too. so it must be the toes... anyway, thanks for stopping by :)

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