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studio mx 2004 updated

oh yeah baby!!! guess what, the company somehow got this deal where we got FREE upgrade to studio mx 2004!!! if you remember my pathetic rambling last week regarding this matter, you will understand how totally ecstatic this has made me...

i really wasn't in the least expecting it, when just a few minutes ago, my favorite tech guy came over and showed me the upgrade CD with a wide grin on his face and told me about the free upgrade thing. he even left the CD with me for the day... and that, my dear friends, was how my day was completely made a lot more brighter, thanks to him! :D


*shameless mode on* .. bagi donk ... :)

wah wah..bajakannya udah ada belom yah..kayanya harus minta bawain niih..hehehe

des. di kamu mx2004 load programnya lama ga (jauh lebih lama dari versi sblmnya)..

ngga lama koq loadnya, sat... sama aja kayaknya.

hayo hayooo.. belajar lagi sana buat GRE-nya!! kekekeke... (gantian gue yang support elo after my hellish week of getting a visa :P)

btw, what's the weather like there? here is totally terrible, tho the sun's up and there's only some clouds.. huwa huwa :(

wah enaknyaaa... ur wish has come true.. hayo balik belajar GRE nya.. :D

*nyari imel nya desi*

mana yah? gak nemu nih.. kan mau ngimel elo ngasih tau YM gue.. how about u email me? ;)

za, sama aja koq, disini weathernya juga sucks banget... dingiiiiinnn terusss...

shin, udah gue add tuh :)

kemaren2 gue ikut seminar macromedia mx sambil numpang tidur siang

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