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please have some courtesy

yesterday i got quite pissed to find a few sites have been hot-linking some of my images. i mean, at least download the image to their own server first instead of just conveniently using up my bandwidth! and whatever happen with the courtesy of asking first? totally not cool.

i actually don't really mind people using my images, as long as they ask me first, and most importantly, don't steal my bandwidth. had i not been randomly checking my stats yesterday, i wouldnt've found out about this at all. i check my stats irregularly; sometimes once a week, other times once every 6 months. so this might have already been happening before, only i just wasn't aware of it.

so, i've finally decided to use .htaccess to block both existing and future hot links. now those sites that use my images on their pages will get this instead:


who hot linked you ?? i should use .htaccess too i think..

gue nemu dua site gitu sih... yg satu pake image gue jadi background blognya, yg satu lagi naro di postingan-nya gitu.

ada tuh link buat code-nya di entry gue kalo elo mau pake .htaccess

way to go girl.. eh bukan gue kan? hihi.. gue gak pernah loooo.. bener deh!! hihih

eh... bukan gw kan? klo gw kasih tau ya..

ajarin cara bikinnya doong. gw juga mau. karna artwork gw seabrek di situs gw.. email me ok.

nobody i know personally... gak kenal gue sama orang2 itu, gue jg bingung bisa nyasar ke site gue gimana yah...

dooh! not working! not working!

masa sih gak bisa sat? kan udah pake code generator segala tuh...

iya! masih ga bisa.. udah 4 probabilitas yg ada. semuanya ga bisa. napa yah? coba liat kamu punya .htaccess dong. (rename dulu jadi .txt) trus email ke aku yah.. (*aku.. hihihi... uda kebiasaan ngomong mesra sama ira! jadinya ke semua aku kamu) :P

udah gue email tuh...

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