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studio mx 2004, etc

i'm currently pathetically salivating over this particular one. a brand spanking new toy (WAY cool!) from those geniuses at macromedia. (i love you guys!)

problem is, my boss bought me the previous version of MX just a few months ago. it would be kinda hard to ask for a $400 upgrade so soon. but there might still be chance... *scheming mode on* hmmmm... if i present myself as a good enough employee for the next month or so (meaning putting on longer hours voluntarily plus some occasional meaningless sweet talks over morning coffees) and show a large amount of enthusiasm over even the most boring task, i might be able to get the company to buy me the upgrade within mere weeks... :P~ (another problem, though... *frown* i'm not at all skilled at schmoozing. tips, anyone?)

oh btw, i've uploaded some pictures from the maine trip in july (thanks to niko & jane)... and i just found out yesterday that MIT now offers this opencourseware site where people can access hundreds of materials from some of its most popular courses online for free. nice, huh?


hiya D! thanks for visiting my site. sorry to drop note in this comment box, couldn't find the tag machine (dont like it huh?)
btw.. dah join Qbee blon? ^-^
anyway..i've just realized i've been here before, possibly stumbled from a drunk net-surfing.

poor des... here in indonesia, pirated software will become rare pretty soon lho... so better start buying original ni..expensive bgt

hey phoebz, thanks for dropping by :)
gue belum sempet tuh bikin quilt-nya... udah di download sih template-nya. maybe i'll start next month when i'm not so busy.

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