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can't think of a more enticing entry title at all. i sometimes wish that i don't have to put in a title, but then it will be kinda difficult to archive. anyway, whatever...

found this article on ny times today; an encouraging story about the bupati of kebumen. if all of our leaders could be like her, then we still have hope for a better indonesia.

last night, for the first time in weeks (maybe even months, for all i know), i had an early night. i was already asleep by around 9:30, and didn't wake up until about 8:30 this morning. and i can totally feel the difference. am so very productive today!

a few days ago, i found this other article that says insomnia might be genetic. the gene is called 'period 3.' people who categorize themselves as a morning person usually have a longer period 3 gene, while those who have trouble going to bed and waking up early such as myself usually have a shorter period 3 gene.

i wish i could show this to my boss and the human resource manager, so that i am allowed to come in after lunch everyday and leave around 8pm. i'll definitely be more productive that way. the article says that it's better not to fight this natural tendency. (yeah right, like my boss would actually buy it!)


totally agree wit ya.. if only i can come in by 11am the earliest and leave by 8-9, i won't complain at all and i'd get more work done!! as much as i try to force myself to be more productive early in the morning.. never happened!!

btw, how's ur gre prep?

Sleeping is such a luxury these days, don't you think?

han, iya, wish i could get an extra 2 hours of sleep every day...

shin, aduhhhh iya nih gue lagi panik gitu gara2 GRE tinggal 3 minggu lagi...pengennya sih belajar tiap hari, tapi tiap kali mulai buka buku, pasti langsung ngantuk! x(

d, udah nyoba interaktif gre gitu? number2.com ato apa ya waktu itu. My friend said he could prepare the verbal part much more efficiently that way.

Oh ya, totally agree, I'm not a morning person at all. Don't mind working till 2-3 in the morning, but pleassee lemme come to work at 11 or 12. It, indeed, is much more productive.

wah xin, thanks for the info! gue tadi udah sign up 'n nyoba number2.com, dan emang jauuuh lebih enak dibanding ngafalin vocab dari thesaurus yg slalu bikin gue ngantuk itu. :)

well. i always arrive at 11 or 12 and went home by 8 or 9... no complaint because I always finish the project a couple of days before the deadline...

I think i am just lucky... =)

wah vi, menyenangkan sekali boss elo... boss gue yg lama juga gitu sih, yg penting kerjaan beres, terserah deh mo masuk jam brp.

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