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wednesday links

the new edition of creative behavior is out. there's an interview with monica calvo from eendar.com (my most recent favorite!) and a good article about learning interactivity from video games. and while you're at it, try the fly guy. he's really fun to play with!

when you're done with mr. fly, and suddenly find yourself with nothing to do, and start to get annoyed of staring at the empty white walls in front of you (which really have been bothering you for months because of their blankness), blik can probably improve your happiness... if not, you can always shoot the teletubbies. he he (thanks to enda for the link!)


sori rada oot dikit nih des.. gue baru liat komen loe di tempatnya panji 'lilpixel' ..

eh, elo tuh temenan ama si dendy ya??? gue baru nyadar si dendy suka ke boston dulu.. are we talking about the same dendy here??

shin, hehehe... itu bukan gue koq yg komen, walaupun sama inisialnya... gue ngga kenal sama lilpixel...

oooh ic.. i guess it's the other d... heheh..

Salam kenal. (Sorry saya nggak bisa tau nama Anda :)) . Tidak tau harus click bagian yang mana??) Saya Aloysius, tinggal di Jakarta. Ini pertama kali saya baca Blog. Menarik sekali pengalaman hidup dan pikiran anda. Semoga memperkaya hidup orang-orang yang visit ke web ini.



halo aloysius, salam kenal juga. thanks for stopping by and for your really nice comments :)

desi i miss you...

halo ndy... asik ada yg kangen! :P

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