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saturday nite

...and i'm feeling particularly anti-social tonight. just want to be alone for a while. not sure why, maybe because of the weather. it's been raining for 3 days now, and the temperature's dropped into the low 60s. can't believe we only had 1.5 months of summer... x(

anyway, it's such a perfect weather for staying home, and yet i'm practically bouncing off the wall because i've had 3 large glasses of coffee in the past 6 hours. so what better way to spend my caffeine-fueled energy than to design yet another splash page for my site?


take your time, coffee? aha! keeps you awake heh? nice site you have down here...

Cool + hip! :) I like the train. The runaway train? he he... :P

thanks! :)

H, itu train-nya gue dapet stock gratisan dari BigShot koq... hehehe...

3 glasses of coffee in the past 6 hours?! i don't understand how you manage to stay at home with that much of caffeine in your bloodstream :P

yep, melike the train too.

the neverstop train.

coffee rules :)

yup, coffee rules! :)

thal, iya makanya itu.. on one hand, gue yg hyper gitu gara2 kebanyakan caffeine, but on the other hand, mau pergi males krn di luar hujan... jadi akhirnya pelampiasannya bikin splash lah... :P

hey.. my site is back!! heheh.. *numpang pengumuman* eh gue baru baca di entry lo tgl 28.. ttg farewell-nya dini.. emangnya mo kemana??

halo shin, wah akhirnya site elo balik juga.. :) emang kenapa kemaren2? servernya down kah?

iya, dini mau sekolah di london tuh fall ini... jadi skrg di balik dulu ke jkt.

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