this morning when i opened my email at work, i found an email from my ex-coworker saying how she'd heard about the jakarta bombing and how sorry she was to hear it, and hoped that my family was ok.
horrified, i opened my browser and went to, and there it was on the main headline: "Jakarta Hotel Bombing Kills 10." so far, 14 people have been announced dead, while around 150 are injured. two of the bodies are almost unidentifiable because of the horrible burns. they were security guards at the hotel. one of them had 4 children. [read the indonesian version here and here]
WHAT exactly are these terrorists trying to achieve??? nothing, and i say absolutely nothing justifies this tremendously sick, imbecilic act. maybe these maniacs didn't even have any single fuckin reason in their non-existent brains other than a crazy obsession to blast people to death every other months for a hobby!
update: from msnbc
yep.. it is horrifying .. deep condolensces to the victims & family..
i woke up this morning reading an sms from a friend backhome about the bombing.. langsung loncat deh gue.. padahal tadinya mau tidur lagi for the next 15 minutes..
Posted by: sLesTa | August 5, 2003 10:40 PM
It's sad that this kind of tragedy happen almost every year. 2001 - Sept 11, 2002 - Bali, 2003 - Jakarta :(
Posted by: william | August 6, 2003 02:17 AM
it's horrible... and des, thank you for your comments on my journal. I am still kinda jumpy everytime I hear a loud sound =(
Posted by: avianto | August 6, 2003 02:21 AM
kasian yah..dan kebanyakan yang kena orang orang kecil gitu..supir supir taksi, security guardnya...etc yang sekarang lagi pada kebingungan soal biaya rumah sakit, emang sih katanya mau di tanggung pemerintah..tapi pasti dana nya tersendat sendat kali ya....=(
Posted by: hanzky | August 6, 2003 08:32 PM
it's our yearly tradition :)
Posted by: enda | August 7, 2003 07:55 AM
it's been quite sumtime huh? :)
mereka (spt binatang amrozy cs) uda di brain-washed dgn ideologi ekstrim yg uda mengakar. liat ajah bgm dia (binatang amrozy) masih bisa tertawa dan merasa bangga sat divonis mati. tidak ada penyesalan sedikitpun dan the worst part, media mengekspos adegan2 itu on TV!
Bgm perasaan org2 yg keluarganya terkena korban bom?
begitu juga dgn yg barusan terjadi di marriott... dan bukan nga mungkin akan byk lagi yg spt ini...
gue rasa yg perlu diberantas adalah ideologinya yg masuk dari bawah.
aniwei de, gue baru ajah buka toko kecil di poppies lane dibelakang eks Sari Club. hehehe
Posted by: dave | August 8, 2003 10:28 PM
wah? *bengong sebentar*
daveeeeeeeeeeeeeee...!!!! *heboh lari2 menghampiri dave*
gileee... ngilang kemana aja loe??? kangen kan! pa kabar? si fael udah tambah gede dong ya? :)
iya gue setuju ma elo dave, emang yg harus diberantas tuh ideologi ekstrim yg salah kaprah banget itu... liat aja korbannya kan akhirnya rakyat kecil juga... duuuhhhh gemessss deh gue! gak mikir apa mereka??
Posted by: d | August 8, 2003 11:10 PM
Hola... maap nggak nyambung. It's chichesterblue. See ya. :D
Posted by: xinda | August 11, 2003 11:02 AM
Hola compie restarted before I okayed the y!m thing. Could you add me again, please? :D
Posted by: xinda | August 13, 2003 05:47 PM