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needed diversions

i am so sick and tired of my project... been working and looking at the same thing for weeks! i need to do something else! a few little diversions will certainly come in handy. lucky for me, as mentioned in the previous entry, dailygfx conveniently provides such an outlet :)

in the past few days, i've submitted this (last week) and this (today) to dailygfx. both were recycled materials from my old stuff, but enough to give me the needed break before i start working again on my real project.

oh, and if you remember my entry yesterday about the random-story game in the car, me and a couple of friends, wendy and ono, decided to take it online and turn it into a collaborative writing project, where we basically take turns continuing each other's story by writing a paragraph or more everyday. so far, we already have 3 entries, one from each. check it out here, if you wanna see. it's really fun! what makes it exciting is that nobody can predict how the story's gonna fold, not even the authors ;)


Would they not approve your submitted materials?

If they don't know its recycled, they never have have to know.

oh, it should be ok, mon... it's pretty informal ;)

pasti pertamanya berawal dari random story telling on the way ke maine kemaren yah?..hehe...

haloh mbak desi... maksih daily udah nongkrong di daily-nya randomscribbles. masuk ke randomscribbles kerasa hangaaat banget... cool color...! :)

han, iya emang pertamanya terinspirasi dari yg jalan2 ke maine kemaren itu...

gheranda, makasih ya udah mampir... :)

ugh baru bisa mampir.. hi des sup :) sorry gak match sama yg di topic

halo her , what's up with you? :)

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