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a day visualized...

this was supposed to be an event at godote's forum called 'a day in the life of a designer,' suggested by yours truly. the idea was that we're gonna bring a camera on a designated day (which was april 21) and take pictures of whatever we happen to come by during that one day. all pictures must be taken during those 24 hours, and no actual photo hunting was allowed. we couldn't go out of our way to places we didn't normally go to and take pictures of stuff we didn't normally see.

the event, however, never really kicked off, cuz i guess only a few actually took a camera with them that day. so far there's only H and me.

and being a true procrastinator, i didn't develop my films and scan the pics until 3 months later, which was today. shame... shame... H beat me to it by a few weeks. heheh... check out his pics here :)

april 21st was also the boston marathon day (as described here), along with kartini's birthday, of course. but the point is, it was definitely not a normal day. a ridiculous number of people were out on the street; running, cheering, or just walking aimlessly around smelling like beer.



d..you guys just inspired me to do the same picture taking activities..hehe..

btw, nice pics of one interesting day, there! :)

hey.. i think that area around your work look familiar.. tapi gue gak tau namanya apa.. cuz that picture of "solas" .. i know i passed that several times.. ;)

nice pics.. jadi pengen spring lagiihhh..

nice picture des, btw apa kabar nih?

thanks! :)

shin, solas itu di boylston st, deket banget sama prudential... pasti daerah situ elo lewat deh kalo ke newbury.

gue baek2 aja ndy, elo pa kabar?

There you go, D! :D Nice pics you have here. BTW, elo ke office pagi banget ya? masih sepi begitu... :)

H, sebenernya sih itu sepi karena emang gue masuknya lebih siang (9:30) dibanding orang2 lain, yg rata2 masuknya jam 8...hehe...

whaaa, nice pics des!! wow, nggak kebayang boston beberapa bulan yang lalu ternyata beda banget ya sama sekarang...

you know what, i think we should do this once a year or something...

nice pics des....jadi terinspirasi juga bikin a day in hanzky's life..hehe..

hayo hayoooo... pada bikiinnnn... :)
udah gitu ntar bisa kita compile into one collection... lucu juga kan?

wen, ini kan sebenernya terinspirasi dari cerita elo ttg 'a day in the life..' event di sekolah loe itu...

iya des, gua inget kok... hahaha... nggak tau yang waktu itu kapan ya kelar dicuci semua...

cool photos~ *telat bgt ga sich?*

hihihi... iya mond... nyindir yaaa? :P

nice images... des.. :)

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