joao gilberto
last night i finally went to see joao gilberto, the father of bossa nova, at the wang theatre. i bought the ticket about 4 months ago, and almost went by myself, since most of my friends showed unenthusiastic response to my invitation at the time. in the end, i only succeeded in convincing one of them to go with me.
the concert was opened by two brazilian guys playing guitar and piano. judging from the loud cheering from the audience, they must be quite famous in the bossa nova world, even though i've never heard of them before. and boy, they were good! after several songs, they were joined by this woman who sang so magnificently, i was drowning in euphoria by the beauty of it all. yeah i know it sounds cheesy, but that was what i really felt at the moment.
gilberto played for 3 hours non-stop, without any intermission at all. and he's already over 70 years old! he wasn't playing with any band; it was just him, sitting on a chair on that big stage, singing softly to himself with his guitar.
listening to him play was almost like being in a secret, private place... maybe a bit like entering a patio of an old country house in a quiet evening in the fall, and found your grandfather sitting there by himself, humming along with his guitar.
he didn't play his well-known pieces until the very end, such as girl from ipanema, desafinado, and rosa morena. the audience loved him, nonetheless. after the final piece ended, people didn't stop applauding until he came back and played some more. and this happened not once, but twice! :)
ps: bjork is coming aug 31st... i should plan on getting the ticket soon, cuz i missed the last one here, and she doesn't really come here that often (i've never been to any of her shows yet). this time i know i'll definitely be going alone, since none of my friends here likes bjork :(
bonus link: check out, or better yet, join daily.gfx visual seribu makna, a new outlet for your daily visual expression!
ehm u bought the ticket 4 months ago? :D
Posted by: enda | July 22, 2003 03:50 AM
hehehe... iya nda, agak2 terlalu napsu ya gue? :P
abis kalo ngga gitu ntar tiketnya suka sold out sihhh... kalo ngga, ntar tempat duduknya yg jauuhhh banget dari stage...
Posted by: d | July 22, 2003 10:10 AM
Itut nonton bjork dunk :D hi des..
Posted by: Brave | July 22, 2003 11:03 AM
iya .. i'm still contemplating to buy bjork or not. i missed her the last time too, tapi kali ini dia manggungnya di brooklyn.. jauh ajah!! gak tau deh.. i'm a big fan.. but brooklyn? i know nothing about brooklyn.. hmm...
btw, joao itu sapanya astrud yaa?? i saw astrud about 3 years ago @ sob (sounds of brazil) in downtown manhattan.. she was awesome..
Posted by: sLesTa | July 22, 2003 04:45 PM
joao itu suaminya astrud, shin...
eh, nonton bjork disini aja kalo gitu, shin, sama gue! :D
emang yg di brooklyn itu jauh banget dari tempat loe ya?
Posted by: d | July 22, 2003 06:56 PM
disitu bjork maen kapan? tau gak berapa tiketnya.. kali aja lebih murah disitu.. :D
jauh sih enggak.. cuman gue gak tau daerahnya..
Posted by: sLesTa | July 22, 2003 10:54 PM
thx for linksnya...
Posted by: fruitee | July 23, 2003 05:12 AM
shin, bjork disini mainnya hanya sehari, tgl 31 augustus, tiketnya $45... gimana, interested? ;)
Posted by: d | July 23, 2003 12:05 PM
yaaahhhh... it would've been perfect if i don't have to move.. lease gue abis that weekend, and i think i'm moving to a new apt by then.. aahh.. padahal long weekend tuh yaa.. dammit!! disini tiketnya $53, tapi belom sold out sih.. hmm...
Posted by: sLesTa | July 23, 2003 01:39 PM
D, keluar dari topik nih. BTW, buat subsription gituh dong. Biar tau kalo ada new entry. Atau tambahin e-mail gue ke notification list deh. Thanks! :D
Posted by: H | July 25, 2003 01:11 AM
shin, akhirnya gue tadi beli juga tiket bjork. yippeee! :)
tapi ternyata dgn service charge segala macem, jadinya tiketnya $54 juga... jadi sama aja harganya sama yg di brooklyn...
H, wah gue gak nyangka bhw ternyata ada juga yg tertarik mengikuti cerita2 asal gue di blog... ihiks... jadi terharu... *dohhh pathetic ya gue* hehe... iya deh, gue masukin email elo di notification list-nya. thanks! :)
Posted by: d | July 25, 2003 01:24 AM
*ngiri*... pengen nonton juga :(
slesta, nonton deh, mumpung tiketnya ngga terlalu mahal. denger Bjork live, worth it banget! gue nonton yang di Radio City Music Hall, and it was one of the best concert i've seen.
Posted by: thalia | July 25, 2003 07:23 AM
If anyone knows anything about any Joao Gilberto concerts in the future or anything about his touring plans, would you please let me know. I read the review of his concert and wished I could see the maser. QUE BEM!!! Thanks.
Posted by: kieran o'connor | October 8, 2003 05:27 AM