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animatrix, etc.

yaayy! my dvd is finally here from amazon. i'm gonna watch animatrix tonight! :) *jumping up & down with joy*

also got dr strangelove special edition on dvd for my kubrick collection. oh, i love this movie! it's one of the few movies that could still make me roll on the floor laughing even after watching it so many times!

oh, don't forget to check out the new redesign of we're here. whoa, did they always have the front page with all those other features? if i'm not mistaken, the beta launch 1 or 2 months ago just had the forum... right? am i going crazy, or did they just add all these other stuff recently?


eh des.. pinjem dong animatrix nya.. *gak modal buat beli* hihihi..

Nonton Matrix Trilogy baru lengkap stelah ada Animatrix :)

gue akhirnya tadi malem nonton animatrix... gileee... keren bangetttttt!!!!

des..sorry nih out of topic, ngejawab response lo di comment sebelumnya..ikutan?..hihi..i suck at drawing..beneran deh.

Btw..gue mau numpang nanya dong des..hehe elo kan pasti jago photoshop nih...gimana sih bikin effect vignetting gitu di photoshop??..kalo bikin sloppy borders effect tau nggak..?..makasih banyak lhoo sebelumnya, tadinya gue mo email elo but i couldn't find your email here...kalo jawabnya kepanjangan email gue aja ya say..hanzky@cold-static.com ...thankie2..=)

han, udah gue email tuh... gimana, berhasil gak? :)

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