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vectorized again...

what do you think? i think satya did a good job drawing this comic version of me, even though it doesn't really look like me yet. hehehe... thanks a bunch, dude!



Hmhmh… let’s start analyzing…

- Hair Style: perfectly sketch
- Standing Style: I would say…right on target =P
- Fashions: from the scarf, sweater, skirt & boots are entirely match with yours
- Flower: hmhm… don’t think ever seen you once

Overall, it’s an awesome caricature sketch… well done

cantik :)

tangannya macho banget !!!!

what can i say...it's u darling!!
but where's ur funky bag complete with ur lucky "wayang" pen?? sudah retired kah??

siskaaaaa... hehehe... elo nemu aja blog gue... pasti dari kiki yah...

iya tas gue yg dulu itu udah retire, sementara wayang pen gue palanya dah copot krn kebanyakan di-abuse... :P

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Your birthday: Click to open date selector.

query("select * from (((transaction_log inner join product_transaction on transaction_log.trans_number = product_transaction.trans_number) inner join product_info on product_transaction.prod_number = product_info.prod_number) inner join customer_info on transaction_log.cust_number = customer_info.cust_number) where product_transaction.trans_number='$transid' and product_transaction.prod_number='$prodid'",0); $product_parent_id = $get_product_transaction_detail[0]['prod_parent_number']; $get_brand_id = $get_product_transaction_detail[0]['brand_number']; if (!isset($brand)){ $brand = $get_brand_id; } $get_parent_product = $db->query("select * from product_info where prod_number='$product_parent_id'",0); ?>