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hyperfreakpanic mode

it's official. i'm a legally certified workaholic corporate slave. there's no light at the end of the tunnel cuz there is no end of the tunnel. and yet i secretly enjoy the adrenaline rush of both the challenge of the impossibles and my current hyperfreakpanic state of mind. it's borderline unhealthy. how can i even think that seven demos in 10 days is exciting? maybe i should start going to the workaholics anonymous meetings.


hahahahahaha, congratulations des!

hihihi.. workaholic anonymous meeting!!! maybe you should start one des.. ;)

hmm, what do people do in a workaholic anonymous meeting? interesting...

encourage each other to skip work? hahahaha...

kaciaan,... tenang ajah.. tiap malem di sana dan pagi di sini kan kutemani selalu. just shout me yoooo!

U NEED TO STFU, y does every1 have there pwn w3bsites

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