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holiday & the definition of happiness

in about 12 hours i'll be on a plane to honolulu for a 10-day vacation with my parents and sister... warm weather and mom's cooking, here i come!!! as to all of you guys who are stuck in the harsh coldness of wintry new england, i express my deepest sympathy and wish you a happy holiday no matter what the weather channel might say. i'll be crossing my fingers so you don't have to endure yet another snowstorm while i'm blissfully sunbathing in waikiki. *big evil grin*

ok, show-offs aside, just in case i don't have access to the internet while i'm gone, i wish you all a great holiday and a happy new year! stay warm, and behave yourselves!

since i'm practically overflowing with the christmas spirit right now, i'm gonna share some with you. a recent late-night attempt to summarize my personal definitions of happiness is below. merry christmas! :)

happiness is...

to be free from the fruitless efforts of trying to quench my never-ending thirst for momentary joy from external things (objects, people, experiences) that all this time just keep me wanting for more. to finally have the conviction that my existence is not meaningless. to know that my life is not just a string of flat lines of routines. not just a jumble of ephemeral things i do every day. not just a series of accidents, actions and reactions.

to begin to see myself in all its nakedness with a mirror that gradually becomes clearer. to finally learn to see in perspectives and position myself and things around me in their proper places.

to be free from my guilt, fears and doubts. to be taken as i am, without being judged. to learn that with all my shortcomings, weirdness and sins, i'm still miraculously loved! the comfort and wonder in knowing that i'm not required to be a squeaky clean, sin-free, righteous person to earn all this. to have the assurance that this love never goes away, even when everything else falls apart.

to know that i'm never on my own. that i always have a hope.

to find that nothing is more important than simply enjoying the love of God.


hahahahaha, happy holidays juga yaaaaa! have a wonderful christmas di hawaiiiii!

just wondering, "behave yourselves" itu maksudnya apa yah des?

huehehehehe... you know exactly what i meant, wen! :P

happy holidays and merry xmas to you too!
i'll miss you guys!

Have fun in Hawaii, yah des... Merry X'mast and Happy New Year.

We'll miss you too... =)

**try to be a good girl there okie..hihihi

wah. kebalik nih, gue malahan nyari tempat snowboarding during this xmas break... hehehe

wwaaaahh senangnya liburan... di hawaii pulak!! *sirik berat* pengen ikuuuuutttt.....

sad. sad. sad. sad. sad. sad. sad. sad. sad. sad. sad. sad. sad. sad. sad. sad. sad.... what can i say...

wahhhhhhhhhhh Des enak banget di hawaii, pasti menyenangkan. hehe.. jadi pengen ke sono lagi.. *hiks*
I wish you the most wonderful christmas ever for you and your family! God bless you Indeed, Des!


I dont have any lucks this moth :(
poor me

have a great holiday (hawaii! that's damn great, alright!) and have a very merry xmas!

merry christmas des..

Happy Holidays and hope you are having fun in Hawaii!

yaahh..kirain Hawai story nya udah di posting...pasti seru banget ya des?..happy new year yah by the way...

Merry X'mast and Happy New Year 2004, cepet pulang dong des

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