yucky monday
why did the snow have to stop today? why can't it continue at least until mid afternoon or something, so that i don't have to go to work today? why... why??? x(
here's what i have to put up with. yucky dirty slippery paths in the middle of the snow... and check out this car (can you see it?) i wonder how long it's gonna take the owner to get it out.
i know the last time it happened, it took my brother 3 hours to dig the car out of the snow.. and my car looks exactly like that.. buried under the snow.. gila deh!! olahraga tuh... untung ada subway disinih.. hehhe
Posted by: sLesTa | December 9, 2003 11:47 AM
ck ck ck, tiap hari snow report yah des.... hahahaha...
Posted by: w | December 9, 2003 04:01 PM
you know what, in times like this i actually feel good about living in midwest...sampe skarang winternya belom dingin2 banget..tadi aja gue nggak pake jaket ke sekolah...uhuyy...stay warm des!!
Posted by: hanzky | December 9, 2003 08:03 PM
it start to look like christmas..... let it snow let it snow...
Posted by: rudy_ | December 12, 2003 03:50 AM
neng desi.. kirimin gw salju dong...
Posted by: 4d3 | December 15, 2003 01:23 AM
wawawa... aku belum pernah nyentuh salju neh.. :) Des,perlu waktu berapa lama si untuk salju berubah jadi beku kayak es? atau malah langsung cair kalau numpuknya udah terlalu banyak dan lama?
Posted by: unxplored | December 16, 2003 10:10 PM
yen, kalo temperaturnya masih dingin, besokannya juga udah jadi es tuh salju kalo ngga di-plow. skrg aja (10 days later!), salju2 menyebalkan itu masih numpuk di jalanan, tapi udah jadi gundukan2 es yg keras dan jelek banget, soalnya udah kotor.
Posted by: d | December 17, 2003 12:34 AM