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crazy snowstorm

it still hasn't stopped yet. 20 inches(!!!) of snow and counting... the snow in front of my apartment building is above my knee already. simple things like walking up to the building door become quite challenging but kinda fun (as long as you can manage not to stay out in the cold for too long).

charles river is all white and frozen, streets are not walkable or drivable unless it's been plowed, and all the cars parked on the street look like this (some are even worse completely invisible except for the sideview mirrors sticking out):


look at all that snow!

snow3.jpg   snow2.jpg

quite a few people turned up for the xmas celebration maybe about 100 total(?), which is not bad at all considering this winter insanity. everything went very well, especially the drama! everybody's performance was so awesome! too bad no one brought a video camera to film it. it's hilarious and yet really touching, too...


bad weather sucks! here in indonesia the rain runs like cats and dogs and flood are everywhere. grah!

omg! that's a LOT of snow! although you look cool with the snow up to your thighs (itu elo kan? kabur potonya...). enak dong, snowboarding depan rumah aja... hehehe.

flow: iya, bad weather sucks! jadi susah mau ngapa2in kan...

thal: gila banget deh snownya... skrg aja masih turun terus, walaupun udah gak selebat tadi malem. bisa sih kayaknya snowboarding kalo mau. tadi malem gue liat ada yg ski di jalanan. hahahaha... niat banget bo! eh anyway, itu yg lagi di depan pintu bukan gue, tapi temen gue... hehehe...

gile banget yah, kalo disini bisa buat bikin es campur tuh :P

i'm sure it's even worst up there ya des? disini aja udah parah banget!!! gila deh.. 2 snowstorms in one year!! it's gonna be a looonnnggg winter!

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