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the gre is less than 5 weeks away, and i'm not even a third way through the book yet. should i stay home this weekend and study instead? oh misery... maybe i should just take this.


good luck, des!! you better hit the books.. but to think about it.. i actually abandoned all of them when i took my gmat.. uuhh.. no wonder it didn't come out good. thank god i'm done with it!!

where r u planning to take ur master's anyways? what school i mean?

thanks, shin! gue mau apply ke BU school of education, mo ngambil educational media & technology. kalo keterima, mulainya spring depan...

eh blognya keren amat ^^ very neat...'lam kenal yaa

thanks kriz. salam kenal juga :)

Hey d, what's usually the average score for the 3 sections for the dept you're applying for?

My problem is always the verbal part..huhu..

gmat ... I took a couple of those test 2-3 years ago. It was so hard and got some embarrassing scores ... :)

If you study, everything should be fine.
I didn't study at that time, instead I went to Lakers - Knicks game .. :)

mon, kayaknya sih i'd make the same choice as you did. mending nonton lakers kan daripada belajar! hihihi...

xin, gue ngga tau brp avg score-nya buat dept yg gue mau apply ini. but i got the impression that the gre score is not nearly as important as the application essay, cuz applicants who completed their undergrad overseas don't have to submit GRE scores; only TOEFL... huhhh... menyebalkan gak sih? so unfair.

hello hello..
thx for coming to my blog the other day. love yr blog a lot! :)

btw, good luck buat gre-nya ya..
gue nyaris harus ambil itu, tapi untung ngga jadi.. hehehe..

za, thanks! :)
i'll need all the luck i can get for that miserable test.

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