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spaced out

after work, i was supposed to be doing my portfolio, which has changed dramatically yet once again since the previous version 4 days ago (oh, why can't i commit to finishing at least one version??!).

well, here's a stupid thing i did.

i was so excited about the possibility of getting an idea for the (hopefully) final version of my portfolio, and yet i completely forgot to ftp the files to my server so i could access them from home. of course, this only hit me after i got home and opened up my laptop and realized that there would be no files to work on because i didn't upload anything before i left my cube. aaargggggghhhhh! so annoying!

*deep breath* oh well... at least i was somewhat productive tonight... i did dishes, tried a few different ways in flash for the navigation to work (i think i found one that might work with my current layout), and then called mom. i missed her! i hope i can go to see her in december... *crossing fingers*

anyway, i've decided that i'm gonna blame my spacey-ness to the unusually large amount of vending-machine food i consumed today. after a mini-lunch of some very yummy creme-filled doughnuts from davio's, i was still very much in a munching-mode. so i had a bag of snicker-doodle, a pack of cheese crackers, and a bag of veggie crisps in less than 1.5 hours! all, of course, are in mini, vending sized packages. still, it can't be good for your health, no? based on my amnesiac experience above, eating too much vending snacks may very well cause temporary short-term memory and greatly reduce your concentration ability. so, better self-control next time!

bonus link: check out gig's entry for bubu awards! way cool!


woah... kampong kites gue nyampai ke sini.... thanks desi! juga thanks buat upload karimata waktu itu.... inspiring!!

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