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after 5 years...

do we accomplish anything with reformation? read what goenawan mohamad has to say about it...

today at the seminar i learned many things about indonesia in this time of reformation the problems and issues, as well as some insights into the possible solutions all this, of course, is just a personal summary of what i understood from the discussions, and not meant to be representative in any way.

but as much as i want to write more, i'm too sleepy right now to do anything... so maybe tomorrow, k? (see, told ya this topic wouldn't go too well with steamed lobsters!)

june 8, 2003

after more than 2 weeks, i only manage to remember one thing from the seminar, and that is (aduh pake bhs indonesia aja deh ye, lebih gampang kayaknya...): ternyata niat baik aja ngga cukup, karena yg jadi masalah utama adalah pelaksanaannya.

contoh: thn 89 pemerintah ngeluarin tap mpr yg mengatur dan merencanakan pembangunan pendidikan di indonesia secara bertahap sampai taun 2020... very similar to what malaysian gov't did to build their education in the 80s; also known as the 'malaysia 2020' plan. look at where they are now, and compare it to where we are.

tap mpr ini juga memutuskan bahwa 20% dari apbn dan apbd akan dialokasikan untuk pendidikan. surprising, huh? karena nyatanya anggaran negara untuk pendidikan sekarang ini hanya sekitar 3% (kemana ya, yg 17% sisanya?) bandingkan dgn negara maju spt amerika, yg anggaran pendidikannya sekitar 15%.

for some reasons, all these good plans that some people in the gov't thought up, that have even gone so far as to be made into a law, never came into reality. why is that?

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