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oh man, stuffed myself with so much food today, i think might just broke this year's personal record! and since i had been almost constantly munching (almost continuously) for 8 hours, it's hard to stop. now i'm working my way down the big bag of gummi cherries i got on friday.

the thing is that i didn't even plan on going to this party after the seminar. i already had a generous helping of some yummy sambel goreng ati + es campur for lunch before the presentations, so i wasn't planning on eating again so soon.

but whaddaya know, at the party (that i was dragged to), the nice host (who was a very talented cook, and can cook really mean indo dishes, btw) already prepared 2 big trays of freshly steamed lobsters. now, who can seriously say no to that?

after the lobster came the fish... and the rice and krupuk + sambel... and the pudding... and the fruits... and the bubur ketan... it feels just like back home; people sitting on the floor in a circle, laughing and talking while eating with their hands. when was the last time i did that?

so yeah, as it is pretty obvious by now... i don't regret coming to the party at all, even if it means adding one or two more pounds. heheheh... i still have a few more weeks to go before summer anyway... and then i should probably make it a point not to pig out like that to be able to fit into my summer tank tops. in the meantime, who cares... :P

anyway, the point of this entry is not even about my shameless eating behavior. it's about something much more significant, so much so that now that i think about it, maybe i have to create a separate entry for it, since it doesn't pair well at all with trivial food stories.


Hi, d,

Food to me is like a nice warm blanket in the middle of cold rainy night, stuff I need to feel comfortable, well at least for now. ;)

yup, i know what you mean... my comfort food consist of hot chocolate with marshmallow bits and rice krispies... ;)

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