September 13, 2005

sun in gemini

i'm so incredibly bored and not in the mood to work today. not sure why... anyway, i found this astrological...

December 15, 2003

brain persuasion test

took this test (found through thalia's blog) and got the following result: Your Brain Usage Profile: • Auditory : 46%...

July 10, 2003

friday five childhood stories

1. What were your favorite childhood stories? gosh, i have so many of them! i like all enid blyton's and...

June 06, 2003

friday five love

ok, so here's another one from friday five... how many times have you truly been in love? what's the difference...

May 26, 2003

if i were a font...

for all the font geeks out there, here's a cute little quiz for you from fontlover... if you were a...

January 22, 2003

friday five jobs

another one for friday five: 1. Where do you currently work? an educational publishing company in boston, as a web...

July 21, 2002

friday five places

it's kinda late, but oh well, here it is anyway... 1. Where were you born? Jakarta, Indonesia 2. If you...

May 27, 2002

friday five dreams

another way to procrastinate by friday five... check it out! 1. What's the last vivid dream that you remember having?...