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friday five dreams

another way to procrastinate by friday five... check it out!

1. What's the last vivid dream that you remember having?

I was kidnapped by this evil sorcerer who wanted to take away my magic moonstone. I tried to convince him that it wasn't the same stone he wanted. He summoned his evil assistant who was highly skilled in the matter of magical stones authenticity. The real magic moonstone is supposed to have 13 moons and 13 faces inside of it, if you are skilled enough to see them. I was really worried that the assistant would reveal the truth of the stone to his master. Suddenly, while he was examining the stone, it burst into little 2-dimensional power puff girls who ran around chasing each other... the dream switched into another scene where I am the owner of a power puff collectibles store... and then I woke up shortly after...

2. Do you have any recurring dreams?

I don't think I have any specific recurring dream, but I have a recurring theme in my dreams, which always involved me being chased around by either a group of vampires, mafias, wild beasts, and/or indiana-jones'-enemies type of people.

3. What's the scariest nightmare you've ever had?

I dreamt I died and went to hell. But in my dream, hell did not have any fire or demons or anything remotely scary. It was just a blank white empty room without anything inside but a long bench where I was sitting. There was nothing else but that bench and me. I wasn't afraid of the lack of sustenance, I knew I'd died and wouldn't need food and water. But there was no door or window. I was to be in that room forever. There was absolutely nothing I could do to change that. The helplessnes I felt was so unbearably scary. I was SO scared that I woke up screaming. It was years ago...

4. Have you ever written your dreams down or considered it? Why or why not?

I've always wanted to write down my dreams, cuz 90% of them are either really weird or scary, or both, and might be self-inspiring later on, but I rarely remember my dreams anymore. They're usually gone in the first 10 minutes after I wake up.

5. Have you ever had a lucid dream? What did you do in it?

A few times. When I am aware that I'm only dreaming, I usually try to do things in my dream that wouldn't be possible in real life. Like this one time when I was dreaming of being on one of the top levels of a very tall building hundreds of stories high, and decided to jump out of the window just to see how it feels like. In mid-jump, I got really scared, what if this is not a dream afterall... I hoped to God that I would pass out or something before I hit the cement...

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