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September 28, 2004

fed up

hanging by the invisible thread of false promises, stumbling from one deception to another. what a fool, believing there's still inherent goodness in people. to think that 'care' is real, and not just another empty word; not just another fluff thrown to get what they want; not just another lie.

didn't you hear? there's no such thing as sincerity. it's dead. buried. in the end, it's never about the other person, but always about profit and loss. it's all about "what's in it for me?"

if only we can choose not to be a social being... if only we can choose to live well enough alone... i'm tired of people. i'm tired of being betrayed. i'm done. please just show me the door.

September 15, 2004

it's not up to you

by bjork

i wake up
and the day feels broken
i tilt my head
i'm trying to get an angle

'cause the evening
i've always longed for
it could still happen

how do i master
the perfect day
six glasses of water
seven phonecalls

      if you leave it alone
      it might just happen

it's not up to you
well, it never really was...

if you wake up
and the day feels a-broken
just lean into the crack
just lean into the crack
and it will  t r e m b l e ever so nicely
how it sparkles
down there

i can decide what i give
but it's not up to me
what i get given

      unthinkable surprises
      about to happen
      but what they are

it's not up to you
well, it never really was...

      there is too much
      to peak
      there is too much
      p r e s s u r e

September 08, 2004

goodbye maui sun

so i'm back here again in gray, rainy boston after spending five fabulous sun-drenched days on the beaches of maui; swimming, snorkeling, playing with waves, chilling by the pool... oh, it's so depressing to be back! will post more pictures and stories later... in the mean time, check out a few pics we took on our first snorkeling trip to the molokini crater...



