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it's not up to you

by bjork

i wake up
and the day feels broken
i tilt my head
i'm trying to get an angle

'cause the evening
i've always longed for
it could still happen

how do i master
the perfect day
six glasses of water
seven phonecalls

      if you leave it alone
      it might just happen

it's not up to you
well, it never really was...

if you wake up
and the day feels a-broken
just lean into the crack
just lean into the crack
and it will  t r e m b l e ever so nicely
how it sparkles
down there

i can decide what i give
but it's not up to me
what i get given

      unthinkable surprises
      about to happen
      but what they are

it's not up to you
well, it never really was...

      there is too much
      to peak
      there is too much
      p r e s s u r e


I am actually looking around online as to how I could make the Bjork swan costume because I have two Halloween events taking place this year. Is there anyway that you could email me, or IM me (leanneeatworld) and give me some tips?

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