counting the days
i finally bought my airplane ticket home today. honolulu-jakarta, one-way. tuesday, february 1st, 2005 at 8.55 am. just like that, it's final now. there's no turning back. i am actually gonna go home for real this time after more than 10 years of living in this ephemeral fantasy world. how do i feel? a strange mix of excitement, fear, sadness and some fleeting moments of regret. i still haven't fully realized the impact this will have on my life. maybe i'm exaggerating things here, or maybe i'm just being paranoid. or maybe this is completely normal. well, whatever this nervous energy is, the fact still remains that i am going home in exactly 62 days.
hey des, hope i will see you in indo... i'm taking a sabbatical leave from work so i'll be in indo for 2 months while i figure out what to do with my life... we can commiserate together, hehe... adaptasi ke kehidupan di indo emang lebih susah daripada kalo dari indo ke luar, i don't know why, i've had that my entire life and it's not going to go away i guess... and like any closing chapter of life, you know there's new adventures coming up in the next chapters, so that thought keeps me going... keep in touch loh des, mudah2an emang nanti ketemu di indo... :)
Posted by: yasmina | December 1, 2004 08:28 AM
kapan elo ke indo, yas? iya, we'll definitely meet up. we could explore jakarta together! hehehe...
Posted by: d | December 1, 2004 08:54 AM
mixed emotion yah? leaving something that has been a big part of u for quite a while...
i went through that
it took me 6 months to get used to..but
let me know kalo dah sampe..
titip cd steve tyrell dong.... plz plz hehhe
Posted by: rudy_ | December 1, 2004 09:17 AM
des...gue baliknya liburan aja sampe akhir january...jadi nggak for good kaya elo. Cant imagine how it would be like going home for good...but lots of my friends have done it..and they said it's not as bad as they hopefully it would be the same case for you. All the best for you ya des..=)..
Posted by: hanzky | December 1, 2004 09:36 AM
Hi Desi! Ah, so you're finally doing it for real! It's understandable that you have some regret about closing a considerable chapter in your life (10 years, man!), and some doubt about your (new) life here (actually it's more like a sequel of the Indiana Jones after a 14-year hiatus rather than a new story altogether).
The funny thing about our mind is that it tends to see the world as ephemeral, at all times. Everything will ultimately become a passing moment, a dream. What happened an hour ago has already felt like a dream now.
So, don't worry. You can only live one moment at a time. Let's enjoy this moment. :-) Have a wonderful day!
Posted by: Stephen | December 1, 2004 09:37 AM
Selamat datang di Indonesia, Bu. Atau tepatnya, selamat akan datang di Indonesia, Bu. Atau tepatnya lagi, selamat akan jalan ke Indonesia, Bu.
Kalo kitanya lagi nggak di tempat tujuan, boleh nggak sih bilang selamat datang?
Posted by: FXRBDS | December 1, 2004 12:45 PM
Yes, baby... i am waiting... come back hurryyyyy...
Posted by: gs | December 2, 2004 05:46 AM
remember des, look forward..dont look back...patient is the key kalo udah di indonesia, and be smart...
Posted by: rudy_ | December 2, 2004 07:25 AM
akhirnya... hihihi.... somay! nasi pake garem di lemperin! pecel ayam! semua menunggumu termasuk aku hihihih...
Posted by: sg | December 9, 2004 11:38 PM