after 86 years, boston red sox finally beat new york yankees and took the championship of world series! they swept clean 8 games in a row! the curse has been reversed!
Posted by d on October 28, 2004 10:54 AM|Permalink
des, i still can't believe you finally got sucked into this. this is weirder than red sox winning the world series itself! LOL. wear that damon t-shirt next time. ;)
lhoo gue barusan udah comment kok nggak keluar yah. Anyway..congrats des..i forgot there's a red soxer in here. Cardinals payah niih..something is wrong with them..masa 4-0 sih..huhu...kasian orang2 yang udah bela2in nginep untuk beli ticket game 5, 6, 7 dari sebelum world series mulai.
des, i still can't believe you finally got sucked into this. this is weirder than red sox winning the world series itself! LOL. wear that damon t-shirt next time. ;)
Posted by: w | October 28, 2004 07:29 PM
Des...i forgot there's a red soxer in here...hehehe..cardinals sumpah deh tuh bapuk beneerr..masa 4-0 sih..huhu..
Posted by: hanzky | October 29, 2004 09:58 AM
lhoo gue barusan udah comment kok nggak keluar yah. Anyway..congrats des..i forgot there's a red soxer in here. Cardinals payah niih..something is wrong with them..masa 4-0 sih..huhu...kasian orang2 yang udah bela2in nginep untuk beli ticket game 5, 6, 7 dari sebelum world series mulai.
Posted by: hanzky | October 29, 2004 10:00 AM
yay! go red sox!
Posted by: L | October 31, 2004 06:36 AM