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canned pineapples & everything else...

taken from Chungking Express:

He Zhiwu, Cop 223: Any canned pineapple that expires on May 1?

Cashier: You know what day it is today?

He Zhiwu, Cop 223: April 30?

Cashier: Right. You think we sell outdated stock?

He Zhiwu, Cop 223: There's still two hours to go.

Cashier: Nobody would buy it. Get a fresh one.

He Zhiwu, Cop 223: People like you are hung up on freshness. You realize what goes into a can of pineapple? The fruit must be grown, harvested, sliced, and you just throw it away! How do you think the can feels about that?

Cashier: Buddy, I only work here. Who cares about how the cans feel? What about how I feel? Loading, more loading, unloading... How I wish cans wouldn't expire! It'd save me loads of work. You like expired cans? Help yourself! As many as you like! On the house!

He Zhiwu, Cop 223: Somehow everything comes with an expiration date. Swordfish expires. Meat sauce expires. Even cling-film expires. Is there anything in the world which doesn't?

[223 gives a can of pineapple to a passing street person. The street person looks at the can and throws it on the ground]

Street person: It's expired. Don't want it.

He Zhiwu, Cop 223: You sure?


I like pineapple :) ANyway, I saw this movie too. It was interesting, hehe.

desiiii where are youuu?? sori nih rada oot, abisan gue lupa email lo *males nyari doang sih sebenernya* ... elo dateng gak minggu depan ke acara indonite di NY?? dateng dooongg.. ya ya yaaaa.. ;)

gimme ur email dong.. mo minta tolong nyebarin promo .. :)

ma'acih yah..

hi des apa kabar? jarang ke forum GF nih sibuk yah?

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