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friday updates

yay, weekend! and summer hours start today! i'm off every friday at 1.30 from now thru end of august! ain't life fab? :D

went to the first US screening of hero last night at the coolidge corner theatre, an old artdeco moviehouse in brookline. there was an introduction by zhang yimou himself and a q&a session with him at the end of the movie. i was one of those first lucky ones to see hero before it's released this fall in american theatres. the tickets sold out weeks before the event itself. i tried taking zhang's picture a few times, but only one turned out not blurry (will post it later tonight).

the movie itself was just beauuuutiful!!! the colors were just amazing! it's the kind of movie you've gotta see on a big screen and surround sound... i wonder when the dvd will come out.

next movie on my list would be 'to live.' last night, in response to an audience question about which of his movies he liked best, zhang said that all of his movies are his babies... some are great, some are ugly, but he loves them all. but his most important work is definitely 'to live,' which is a chronicle of a family's life during the cultural revolution in china (i think it's banned there).

btw, godote has a new face... check it out!


Lho... Des, emang Hero baru sekarang masuk ke US? I think I saw that movie about a year ago... hmmm..

thru the end of august!?!?! come to NYC! i'm here until thursday morning. come come come!

H, iya hero baru skrg mau di-release di US, walaupun di asia udah dari 2 taunan yg lalu ya kalo gak salah?

thal, i tried sending you sms to your indo cellphone, not sure if you got it... anyway, elo di nyc cuma sampe hari kamis ini? how about this weekend? mampir boston donkkkk....

They see Hero on DVD here in SF chinatown. I'm not sure Hero will have the same mega-box office success as Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. Hero is more of artist combat than hollywood action. But I must agree the cinematography was beautiful.

err, didn't get the sms. maybe because i'm on t-mobile network most of the time :( and no boston :( :( i'm flying to the west coast... sowee. so, you just have to go to jakarta and visit us instead... hehe.

and yes, hero is breathtaking. although, the two friends who saw the movie with me fell asleep in the middle of the movie...

des, ada salam dari thalia.. hehe.. kemaren gue ketemuan ama dia.

eh thal, iya gue juga waktu nonton hero sempet ketiduran terakhir2nya.. but no doubt the movie is very beautiful.. cuman plot nya rada lambat aja. ngomong2 dvd nya.. gue ada di rumah, beli di chinatown a year ago.. :D

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