it's been a long while since i had time to actually write something here that's longer than 3 sentences and actually makes sense. well, i'm just gonna blame it on the crazy monster project i had at work that pretty much ate up the entire 2.5 months of my life. it finally ended last friday. just thinking about it now makes me want to throw up.
anyway, i just now realize how crucial it is to maintain occasional public appearances in the virtual world so as not to make your virtual friends think you're dead or simply trying to ignore them. both of which are obviously not true in my case.
well, a lot has been happening these past 2 months. i'm just gonna list the highlights with bullet points instead of trying to make false promises i can't keep by saying i will write about them, cuz chances are i wouldn't have time to do so.
- feb 15: went to dave koz concert; wasn't too impressed and left the room before the concert ended.
- march 6-9: went to las vegas and death valley with w, g & m. death valley was cool; i wish we had stayed longer so we can see more stuff. and vegas was, well, vegas. went to see cirque du soleil's 'O' (most beautiful show i've ever seen in my life!) and 'zumanity.' overall, it was a blast!
- april 9: finally joined the rest of the digital world and bought nikon coolpix 3700 digital camera from amazon. it actually fits in my pocket, it's so small!
- april 13: went to stereolab concert; had fun, but almost lost all hearing abilities because of extremely close proximity to big-ass speakers.
- april 14: found out i didn't get the scholarship to grad school and am still recovering from the state of denial. anxious with the thoughts of going home for good next year.
- april 15: went to see alvin ailey dance performance. the last two dances were just beautiful!
- april 17: watched kill bill 2. uma thurman kicks ass as usual. planning to get kill bill 1 dvd soon.
what a life =)
Posted by: avianto | April 20, 2004 01:44 PM
desssssssiiiiiiiiii gua nggak tau kalo elo udah beli digital cameraaaaaaaa!!! (hmm yang kemaren elo bilang itu gue pikir video camera maksudnya... hihihihi)
Posted by: w | April 20, 2004 10:28 PM
the time is when: you are gonna come home to jakarta! :D
Posted by: esge | April 21, 2004 11:44 PM
Ah ah welcome back dear. Miss you & the writing so much, really. Congrats on the one step further of being almost completely digital, hehehe.
Posted by: xinda | April 23, 2004 03:29 PM
ooh, stereolab! did they release a new album? i love them :) and their live concerts are really good too.
Posted by: thalia | April 26, 2004 11:18 AM
welcome back! i thought you decided to quit unnoticed. hehehe.. so hey, time to show the pictures.. :P
Posted by: sLesTa | April 26, 2004 04:52 PM
btw, des.. i'm coming up to boston on may 15. buat acara indo nite. u coming?
Posted by: sLesTa | April 26, 2004 04:52 PM
sg: early next year, i think...
xinda: thank u... thank u...
thal: yeah, stereolab has a new album: margerine eclipse. their concert was awesome as usual, even without mary.
shin: hehehe... still too lazy to put up the pics. ntar kali yah... btw, i am coming to indo nite. so maybe i'll see u then?
Posted by: d | April 29, 2004 01:33 PM
gw tunggu loh... dont forget to call!!!
Posted by: esge | May 3, 2004 10:01 PM
des, email gua dong ke rudy@moores-rowland.com, email kantor lo ilang..
minta source html buat index page lo dong... category gw gak nongol..heran aja
Posted by: iamrudy | May 5, 2004 07:52 AM
iya des.. i'll see you there.. i'm coming up on the 15th. i'll be one of the performers.. ;) jangan diketawain tapi yah.. heheh..
Posted by: sLesTa | May 6, 2004 10:25 AM
heya, got to your page from slesta's, just thought i'd say hi.
im going to see cirque du soleil's Quidam this june, will be my first time seeing them perform live, that should be fun.
anyhoo, take care =)
Posted by: irene | May 18, 2004 09:01 PM
hi des how are you? long time not see nih semoga sehat2 aja yah. GBU
Posted by: Andy | May 20, 2004 11:11 PM
VEGAS baby !!!! ... Thinking about going there too ....
Posted by: emon | May 21, 2004 06:43 PM
hmmm... can't wait to see the shots from your digicam.. :D
Posted by: H | May 22, 2004 05:36 AM
I loved Death Valley. I'm envious that you got to see two Cirque Du Solei shows.
Posted by: Mona | June 2, 2004 10:45 PM