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past scribbles

ok, so i'm supposed to be cleaning my apartment since a few hours ago. but then i got distracted by cooking dinner (hey, i gotta eat, too!), watching animes, working a little on my project, and then digging around the countless messy, neglected folders in my site, hoping to delete/archive some files i don't really need. well, look what i found!

i used to write little cheesy pseudo-poems back when i was in college, 5-7 years ago. when i first had an account with geocities, i put up some of my writings online. and here they are. heh heh... it's kinda funny to read through them again and reminisce what propelled me to write these things. i like #3 in particular; aptly titled "the shit has finally hit the fan." i wrote that in my last semester in college, when i only had 2-3 hours of sleep a day (sometimes i didn't even sleep for days!) trying to catch up with the seemingly never-ending piles of exams, presentations, projects and assignments. ahhh... the bitter-sweet memory of college...


Wah.. ngga nyangka elo jg jago nulis-nulis gini. hehe... masa2 sentimentil ya Des? I like the #9 one.. :)

hahahaha.... thanks yen! iya, itu masa2 sentimentil... namanya juga anak muda... :P

wow, neat! iya nih, ngga nyangka juga elo suka nulis2 poems. kenangan... kenangan...

Bagus2 sekali!!!

*bitter sweet symphony playing in the background*

hahahahahaha iya des gua suka banget yang the shit has finally hit the fan. kayaknya bentar lagi yang mirip2 bakal terjadi di sekitar sini... hmmmm...

jadi kangen college years. sesibuk2nya ama kelas dan project, tetep aja.. there's always something to expect at the end of it.. libuuuuurrr!! kalo udah kerja kok susah banget deh nemu libur.. whoaaahh.. i need vacation!!

Sometimes reminiscing is fun indeed! :)

suka banget ma tulisan lo yang "hari-hari kita..." :) bagus banget!!!

ceritanya lagi jatuh cinta ama siapa, des?

lo bisa banget bikin puisi yah... sering latihan ya? yg bahasa inggris gw ga bgitu pratiin, soalnya puisi bahasa inggris gw agak kabur.. hehhe... ga ngena ke hati.

neng desi boston saljunya makin tebel yah..

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