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winter is here

the forecast says there's gonna be a huge snowstorm coming tomorrow. yikesss... what bad timing. we're gonna have the annual indo-bostonian xmas celebration tomorrow. i hope people will still try to make it despite of the weather.

*humming to self*

...i'm dreaamiiiing... of a whiiiiite... christmassss...
just like the ones i used to know...
with the tree tops glisten and children listen..
to heaar... sleighbells in the snow...

well, have a great weekend everyone! stay warm, and whatever you do, please do yourself a favor and do not watch love, actually (pardon my indonesian doohhhh pokoknya rugiii deh nonton tuh film. asli dangdut abissss!!! untungnya at least cowo2nya cakep2)


Waaahhh early x-mas party juga, d. Sammmaa.

Actually, I am dreaming of a whiiitteee christmasss....

Never have one, maybe this year, since we're planning to visit ABQ.

Well, have fun at the party.

heheh gak suka love actually yah des.. gue suka sih.. soalnya cowoknya cakep dan soundtracknya bagus yah?? hihihi..

xinda: thanks! hope you get to see a white xmas, too. only maybe not a snowstorm like in here :)

shinta: heheh... iya, tapi gak papa deh. cowo2nya cakep2 siiihhhh... :P

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