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halloween weekend was a lot of fun! will post details later in the week, as i barely have enough time to breathe right now...

in the mean time, here's a glimpse of your friendly freaks posing on the streets of salem on friday night. how do you like my home-made bjork costume?


salem03.jpg     salem04.jpg


elo bikin sendiri tuh bajunya des?? wuaahh.. lucu lucuuuu... me likey likey.. !! hehe.. :D

i loooooooove your bjork swan dress! that's such a great halloween costume, too. desi, you rock!

wah cantiknya

i think it's so cute..I love it..

Woohoo hoo...what a cute Bjork costume.
Salem, MA? hiiii...

awww!.. so cute

ya ampuuunn.... aku ngirain itu bjork, ternyata kamu desi? :D

bjork tilaar hehehe ikutan buka puasa bersama di gren melia gak??

wah desiii lucuuuu...kok bisa siih..gimana tuh bikinnya des??

You did a great job on your Bjork costume.
Love it !! :)

whoa.. cute!
Here in Germany lots of children running away in the street doing 'trick or treat'.. funny costumes too but nothing beat your bjork costume ;)

great idea on bjork thing, she can be scarry sometime :)

hihihi... makasih makasih... glad you all like it! :D

han, itu bikinnya gampang banget koq... cuma modal kain tulle yg dipenitiin di rok putih, plus a couple of white boas for the swan feathers... trus swan-nya dari white stockings yg dijejelin crumpled papers for the head, and then just colored in the beak and the eyes with markers. jadi deh tuh kostum... murah meriah ;)

Nice Des! read from how you made it, two thumbs for you. ;)

That's so cute. You made a great Bjork!

u jangan ikut yang engak-engak dech
mampaatin idup ini luh lagi di atas mungkin segala ada, inget donk ma yang lain yang hidup serba terbatas duit terbatas, aku cuman ngingetin ngak ada gunanya itu semua bener
pikir klo bapa ibu loh dah ngak ada loh hidup sengsara apa yang akan u perbuat coba pasti luh nga akan seperti ini

maaf yach klo aku agak mengingatkan kamu

ehhh siapa sih nih iseng banget???
gatot, gue mau ngapain juga kayaknya bukan urusan elo deh. tolong dong kalo ngga tau apa2 jangan ngomong sembarangan. fyi, udah 5 taun gue ngga tergantung sama orangtua lagi. so whatever i spent, it's my own money, and it's really none of your business what i do with it.

Udahh.. yaa jgn diperpanjang. Stop !!! :P Mohon Maaf Lahir Batin.

hehehe... iya bang ervan...
selamat lebaran ya... mohon maaf lahir dan batin :)

Hi Desi! It's a verrrrry nice dress! You look like a princess!

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