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foliage trip pics

i only scanned a few for now... will hopefully post more soon...




adduuuh desii fotonya bagus baguuuss.. i definitely gotta go up there.. i miss my new england years..

No seasons in San Francisco. I hear it comes for a week in November. we'll see.

Thanks for the encouragement.

waaah bagus banget desscenerynya...too bad i live in this flat land called midwest..yang berganti warna cuma pohon jagung aja..hehe....

so beautiful des! tapi fotomu mana nih yg lebih close up?! ;) terlalu jauh/kecil tuh ngga keliatan....!

duh desi kok fotonya jauh banget yah jadi kelihatannya kecil, coba kalo lebih deket kan kelihatan cantiknya

Ya ampun jalannya mulus banget heheheh..

What beautiful colors. I hear the Bay Area gets a week where the colors change. I miss having seasons.

wah keren yah neng tempatnya... tapi lebih karen lagi kalo kamu lebih deket ke kamera ;)

pemandangan yng indah tapi sayang kamu nya kurang jelas say

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