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and the winners are...

yay gigih!!! congrats!!! :D
for those of you who've never seen his amazing submission to bubu, check it out here... congrats also for bleu, who won 3rd place in the flash category with balinese home... :)

oh, and i forgot to mention that a few weeks ago, ade started a blog about flash in indonesian... good resource for those who like developing in flash.

as for me, i'm gonna disappear for a while... so many things to do!!! i think this time i'm definitely biting more than i can chew. believe me on this, folks: good time management and some well-judged restraints can work wonders in maintaining your basic sanity. the trick is to train yourself to actually do them for real... :(


thank you desi, atas support kamu juga aku bisa melaju begini... hehehe...!!
ralat dikit: bleu di urutan 3 kok!

gig, makan2nya gue nyusul yaaa.... ;)
oya, itu udah gue benerin entry-nya yg ttg bleu..

yaaa des! kapan dong pulang indo?! sayang banget nih kita kumpul2 di jakarta nggak ada desi!

jeng jeng.. mo bilang.. ntar malem mo nonton radiohead.. mo nitip salam gak? :D

trus terang ... menurut gua akhir akhir ini radiohead rada rada aneh lagu nya ... koq bisa yak punya fans yg loyal .. yak

gig, waaah gue barusan liat tuh foto2 makan2nya... seru banget kayaknya! ntar kalo gue pulang kita hangout, gue dapet traktiran juga gak? ;)

shin, cerita doooonk say...

mon, radiohead itu keren lagiihhh!! masa sih bisa gak suka?

iya des.. tungguin deh yaa.. i'll try to post it by the weekend.. i have another concert to go to tonite *not radiohead*.. hihi..

desiiii.. udah gue taro tuh foto2nyaa...

weleh emon, radiohead justru album terakhirnya gua bisa nikmatin banget... enak gila :)

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