another one of those days...
yeah, you know which ones i'm talking about... when you feel like you're about to collapse at any second, and you can hardly focus on doing anything, not even talking to people... can't even fall asleep cuz you're just so exhausted. all you want to do is lie down and close your eyes, and just lay still for a few hours.
i've been having more than 10-hour days at work these past couple of weeks. today was no exception. went straight from a meeting that ended at 5:45 to the first session of my drawing class (that started at 5:30). every summer i always like to take drawing classes like this. i find it very refreshing and relaxing to actually use my hands with paper and pencil, and not a mouse and a monitor screen, for a change. yes, the good old traditional way. being such a lazy person, i would never be able to set aside a few hours a week to draw like this, unless i take these classes.
today we're drawing things we're not familiar with, such as a car carburetor (i'd absolutely no idea how it looked like. heheh.. :P) and a portrait of a faraway family member that we hadn't seen for years. this way we could draw without the usual limitations of preconceived ideas of how these objects should look like. having no references gave us more room for imagination and less pressure from the lack of objectives.
after class, i went straight to some friends' farewell dinner, and didn't get home until 10:30. ah, how time flies. everybody's going home for good. maybe it'll be my turn a few years from now.
des....scan dong liat, pasti bagus2 yah..=)
Posted by: hanzky | July 10, 2003 09:21 PM
heheh... they're really not that good, just some random rough sketches... :)
Posted by: d | July 14, 2003 11:17 AM