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rainy friday

lalala... and friday (friiidayy)... is the last day... and then it's w.e.e.k.e.n.d... it's weekend... *singing arling & cameron's song: w.e.e.k.e.n.d*

it's cold and raining again today, but i don't really care... it's the first friday of summer hours! woohooo!!! off at 1:00 every friday until end of august! and monday is memorial day, so no work for 4 days, beginning in about 2 hours!

can't concentrate to do any work right now... definitely the direct result of too much caffeine and all this friday excitement. hmm... i guess i still have to force myself to do at least one productive work-related activity. ok, more coffee and then back to work.

today's links: check out wendy's new section on food... it's so funny! :)
oh, and if you didn't already know this, project gutenberg has some awesome collection of classic readings that you could download for free...


TGIF and it's raining. A perfect combo! :)

yup! looking forward to the long weekend! :)

any fun plan for this weekend, dew?

This weekend? Umm...let's see, just had brunch with a friend. Tied up at work now. Will go over to another friend's place later in the day and if nothing goes wrong, I'll be going to the movies to see Matrix Reloaded tonight with another friend :) Yourself?

dew, did you get to see matrix reloaded yet? :)

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