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check out this cool prototyping tool for sketching out your site ideas and hyperlink them... very useful, eh? esp in the early stages, and most of all for those clients who could never understand the difference between prototype and final deliverable.

here is a screenshot of a sketch sample. go ahead, download and try it for yourself.


Thanks for coming over. Tried to look for a g'book & taggie, but couldn't find any. Forgive me for trashing on your commsys :)

hey, thanks for stopping by! :)
oh, and no need to apologize, you're not trashing my comment box... the more the merrier! :)

You're very welcome. Boy, I am trying so hard to keep awake here, but to no avail :)

BTW, I noticed 3 of my friends are listed on your Indo Designers link on the right there. What a small world, eh? ;)

really? :)

actually, about a quarter of the ones listed on the right i don't know personally... i got the list from my friend at this forum... hehehe...

Really? Well, they're good people, you have my word on that ;)

helloo..i found your link from ano's blog..and i'm liking it...=)..mind if i stalk you everyday..;)

hi hanzky... thanks for visiting...
iya, silakan mampir sering2... anggap aja rumah sendiri... ;)

Hey, it's me again. Funny, I'm pretty sure the comment-box didn't look like this the last time I was here. OK, what's going on here?
Wait. I think I know...


oh, now i get it...

iya ano, comment-box yg di main page is a pop-up window, sementara yg di individual archive is visible right under the entry. that's just how i set up the template... :)

How's Movable Type so far, good? Does it give you love?

ahh yes, i love my MT. and my MT loves me. :D

To me MT is Machine Translation :)

Hello, People. What is everyone up to?

Hi, Dew. What are you up to? Long time no read, where have you been?

you're lucky MT loves you des, i don't think MT loves me, i guess we just don't get along together..i've installed it and messed around with it a lil bit..but i still haven't got the hang of it...huhu...

hi people! please come in... what would you like to drink?

hanzky, just hang in there... after a while, i'm sure MT will love you back. the key is patience and perseverance. ;)

Hi, Ano. Haven't been up to much lately. What about you? Yeah, long time no read. Just wish me luck, okay?

How are you, d? Forgive me again for messing up your comsys. BTW, I'm gonna switch to MT too, once the redesign of my site is done. Teach me, teach me?

The thing about MT is, it's not that flexible. Or probably, like you said, I just don't have enough patience and perseverance.

And Dew, I wish you all the luck in the world and Mars and Venus.

Did I say you're like that? I can't recall I did, but then again, you know how forgetful I am :)

I'm still undecided about MT, BTW. Still need to make up my mind. Any suggestions?

Woops, I got Ano's sentence all wrong :) Sorry, sorry :)

hello dew, i'm fine, thank you. how about you?

i would definitely recommend using MT, and sure, i'd be glad to help if you need me to. :)

hi ano, how are you?
really? you think MT is not that flexible? in which aspect?

so far, i've been lucky enough not to have any real problems with customizing the templates. i found that at least in terms of changing layouts, MT is quite flexible.

i'm using MT for another project and i like the fact that it can archive by categories as well as by dates. oh, and i love that it has a search function already built in! :)

Alright! Do you have a YM handle? If you do, you can help me via that device, no? :)

sure, here's my YM...

i will probably be on YM this weekend, since it's gonna be a long weekend... (yay for that!!! :D)

'Kay, I added you. The thing is, I dunno whether I'd be online this weekend. But I'm online during office hours every day, so if happen to be online, just gimme a shout, okay?

will do. see you then!