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about fear...

i think the movie bowling for columbine should be made mandatory for everybody to watch... it's easily one of the best documentary movies i've ever seen.

when i went to see it yesterday, i was a bit skeptical and wasn't really interested in watching it. but it turned out to be really really good! it's an exploration of fear, the most basic demon in any human being.

feed it the other ingredients for destruction: poverty, inequality, alienation, insecurity, constant competition, media's obsession with sensational news (which always contains violence), lack of education, a bad government system and its imperialist tendencies, and with a background of a violent history, you have the perfect recipe for home-made assasins!


wow, really? since you recommend it, i'll try to watch it before leaving :)

you should watch it, i think you'll like it, too! :)

download divx nya ah.. :P

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